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A network for IoT devices that can’t run a VPN

<*** class="md">We have been working on a network for IoT devices that can’t run a VPN for a while, and have recently released a free tier.

This network is for any IP-based device: EV chargers, drones, IP cameras, low-end routers (that can’t run a VPN), smart lights, smart TVs etc. Every device is addressed by its own DNS name or a public key. The connection is end-to-end encrypted up to the closest real network node.

We use it ourselves to remotely access our CI/CD runners that we host in the office. I personally use it to remotely access all my smart home devices — IP camera and a few smart lights.

We did a write-up on why we created this network and how it can be useful for anyone who deals with IoT.

Please let me know what do you think about the idea!

submitted by /u/igankevich
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