A committed performance from Georgina Campbell is a rare highpoint in a competently made yet increasingly frustrating shocker about a sinister basement
The campaign for gnarly, mostly one-location horror Barbarian has been scarily subdued. Just the one trailer – light on plot, heavy on mystery – and that punchy one-word title, a rare example of restraint, crafty less-is-more marketing we don’t see often enough in the exhausting era of trailer teases, teaser trailers, trailer countdowns, digital trailers, extended trailers and final trailers.
I’m going to remain as tight-lipped about the specifics, and not just because a strictly worded pre-screening email insisted upon such, but because there are depressingly few pleasures to be had here, and one of them is at least, for a while, playing detective trying to figure out just what on earth is buried at its centre. It’s in the opening stretch, the set-up laid out in the hugely effective preview, that this game works so well.
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