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Google intensive growth strategy

In 2014, Google released a report detailing its diversity. Its report indicates that its employees are 70% male and 30% female. According to the report, the company’s ethnicity referring to US employees indicates 30% Asian, 61% white, 4% identified as two or more races. The remaining share includes 2% black, 3% Hispanic and 1% other. The company has employee resource groups for its workforce, including groups for specific races, women in engineering and veterans. The technology industry is famously guarded about workplace diversity. Google admitted that its data revealed statistics that were too low below other industry averages.

Google’s diversification strategy also involves expanding its operations by adding product and services as well as markets to the existing business. Google diversifies by engaging in other lines of business that are different from existing line of business. It also carries out concentric diversification by adding new ventures that are related to the existing lines of business. Conglomerate diversification is also a strategy used by Google by entering into business ventures where there is no common or strategic relationship between the lines of business. Google obtains financial synergy by trying to stabilize income by diversifying into ventures with diverse cyclical sales patterns. Google has a broad range of products among its products and services ranging from Google Search, Google Now, Ad Exchange, YouTube, and Android among other products. The strategic relationship allows a business to achieve synergy. Synergy is achieved by combining two or more parts of a business to achieve greater total effectiveness that would not be experienced if the efforts of the independent parts were not summed. Synergy is also achieved by obtaining products and services with complementary financial, marketing, operating and management efforts. The Overall efficiency of a company can be improved by combining several units, equipment research and development and other operations to avoid duplication. Also, synergy is obtained by applying administration expertise and experience to different types of situations.


Murrey J. (2014) Google finally discloses its diversity record, and it is not good.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in graduate paper writing service if you need a similar paper you can place your order from custom research paper writing service.

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