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Kylie Minogue: ‘I was searching for my favourite Manolos. Then I remembered: they’re in the V&A’

The pop princess and wine impresario answers your questions on chocolate sandwiches, tattoo tension and her glorious Glastonbury gig

If you had to live the rest of your life inside one of your music videos, which one would it be? Dioli75

Can’t Get You Out of My Head would mean I could travel to the future, but I would miss everyone in the here and now. Also, the white hooded jumpsuit could be tricky. Come Into My World would be more comfortable, but I would be eternally going round in circles, picking dry cleaning up off the floor. I loved my Barbarella moment in Put Yourself in My Place, but I don’t fancy living for ever alone in space. The Loco-Motion, I could be 19 again, but perhaps not ideal. So I think I am going to go with Slow – poolside in Barcelona. Yes please!

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