Security is becoming an escalation issue in the increasing technology world. The advent of the Web through which individuals and organizations can share information is also bringing another risk of security. The area of encryption has attracted many researchers especially because many encryption algorithms that have been used in the past could be easily broken. To maintain privacy and security, there is a need to protect private and sensitive data during storage and transit. The paper discusses the advancements that have taken place in the encryption paradigm.
Multimedia Encryption
Multimedia encryption entails changing the multimedia DataStream so as to ensure that there is the secure transmission of video files between the client and the server. The joint encryption is one of the latest encryption technologies used to encrypt multimedia is the joint video compression and encryption (JVCE). It integrates encryption into compression operation through the parameterization of the compression blocks without modifying the compressed bits (Tawalbeh, Mowafi, & Aljoby, 2013). JVCE does approach the compression and encryption into a single operation thereby making it possible for mobile and embedded devices to achieve multimedia security even with their low budgets. Also, another reliable encryption of multimedia is through the use elliptic curve cryptography.
Quantum Computer Resistant
The Quantum computer resistant is also another encryption trend that has drawn the attention since October 2015. Quantum, computers are expected to be fully operational within the next 5 to 30 years as per the quantum magazine. They exploit the probabilistic rules from the area of quantum physics and decrypt most data that is thought to be sure including the bank records, email passwords, and NSA records among other data (Nielsen & Chuang, 2010). Cryptographers have developed quantum resistant schemes that can help to counter this threat, and these schemes are now widely used in organizations (Yuen & Wong, 2011). An example of this is Google’s New Hope algorithm that Google claims can stop any quantum computer operations on a system.
Triple DES
The Triple DES is am encryption algorithm that was designed to replace the Data Encryption Standard algorithm that has been around for some time and is being used by many institutions to ensure secure transactions (Sachin & Kumar, 2010). This algorithm uses three keys with each having 56 bits. That makes the total key length be 168 bits, although the experts argue that 112 bits are the possible key length of this algorithm. Even though this algorithm is being phased out slowly, it still manages to offer a dependable encryption fro hardware being use in financial institutions and other industries.
Blowfish is also another algorithm that is designed to replace DES. “It is a symmetric cipher that splits the messages to form blocks containing 64 bits each and then encrypts them individually. Blowfish is popular because of its tremendous speed as well as its overall effectiveness because many users claim it has never been defeated” (Nie & Zhang, 2009). Many vendors have also taken advantage of its availability free of charge in the public domain. It is used in the software categories that range from e-commerce to password management systems. It is reliable in securing payments and protecting passwords.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
The AES is encryption advancement in the encryption technology and is the algorithm trusted in the US Government as well as many other organizations as the standard for secure encryption. It is very efficient in 128-bit form, but it can use 192 and 256 bits in cases of heavy duty encryption. It is considered to be impervious to any attack except brute force attack that attempts to decipher the messages with a combination of all possibilities (Daemen & Rijmen, 2013).
The area of encryption is advancing data by day as the attackers are devising ways of breaking the cryptanalysis systems that are being used currently. The paper has discussed many of the new data and multimedia encryption technologies that are being used today, and although some of them are not totally reliable, many of them are.
Daemen, J., & Rijmen, V. (2013). The design of Rijndael: AES-the advanced encryption standard. Springer Science & Business Media.
Nie, T., & Zhang, T. (2009, January). A study of DES and Blowfish encryption algorithm. In TENCON 2009-2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
Nielsen, M. A., & Chuang, I. L. (2010). Quantum computation and quantum information. Cambridge university press.
Sachin, M., & Kumar, D. (2010). Implementation and Analysis of AES, DES and Triple DES on GSM Network. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 10, 298-303.
Tawalbeh, L. A., Mowafi, M., & Aljoby, W. (2013). Use of elliptic curve cryptography for multimedia encryption. IET Information Security, 7(2), 67-74.
Yuen, C. H., & Wong, K. W. (2011). A chaos-based joint image compression and encryption scheme using DCT and SHA-1. Applied Soft Computing, 11(8), 5092-5098.
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