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What to read this Halloween and beyond

Looking for a literary scare? Neil McRobert picks the must-read horror titles of the year so far

It’s that time of the year again. Spooky season, goth Christmas, All Hallow’s Eve. Whatever you call it, Halloween is traditionally when attention turns to the scarier end of the bookshelf. For horror fans it’s a period of fun and frustration. On the one hand, our genre gets its moment to shine darkly; on the other, we have to keep screaming that great horror is out there all year round!

2022 has been a particularly good vintage. In the case of Ally Wilkes’ All the White Spaces (Titan Books £8.99) and Thomas Olde Heuvelt’s Echo (Hodder £9.99), icy shudders are delivered through hauntings at the Earth’s coldest extremities. Heuvelt injects his own mountaineering experience into the story of a mysterious Alpine summit and the creepy influence it exerts over those who climb it, and Echo contains possibly the most frightening prologue ever written.

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