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Posts published by “E. Alex Jung”

Yaeji Lets Loose

The musician-slash-DJ is known for introspective dance music that brings the house down. On her debut album, she went searching for herself.

Laura Linney Resists Interpretation

The actress lives for the stage, loves film crews, and treasures her co-stars. Just don’t ask her about the ending of Ozark. 

Hot Joel Summer

Joel Kim Booster’s deliciously ***** debut film, Fire Island, maps Pride and Prejudice’s class tensions onto the vacation hideaway for *** men.

Afterglow in Gallery Land

With her installation The New Eagle Creek Saloon, Sadie Barnette gives a *** bar new life at the Kitchen.

Mitski in 9 Acts

If the musician has to reveal herself at all, she’d rather do it one short burst at a time.