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Posts published in “Science & Technology”

Cloud knowledge

What are the basic aspects of cloud that I as a beginner should know before delving deeper into IOT submitted by /u/Shoefsrt00 [link] [comments]

Project Ideas for an intermeditate level student in engineering

I have preiously worked with ESP32 module, a PIR sensor and connected the data to a database to store it. It was actually a system to count the number of components passed in a conveyor belt. If a particular product passes then the database will update...

Growing the Impacts of Climate-Smart Agriculture

A range of ‘climate-smart’ farming practices have the potential to lower greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and help sequester carbon dioxide emitted by other parts of the economy. A recent webinar explored how to expand use of these practices.

Could this be used for a repurpose

Have a bunch of monitors we are going to trash and was wondering if there would be any good use for the chip that is on the board. submitted by /u/EG_Performance [link] [comments]