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Posts tagged as “books”

One Day review – a flawless romcom you’ll fall for, hard

Ambika Mod and Leo Woodall are extraordinary in this highly bingeable love story packed with magnificent nostalgia and a sublime soundtrack. But I do have one confession ...One Day shouldn’t work. Consider its premise: posh southern boy fancies working...

Wellness by Nathan Hill review – the tragicomic maladies of marriage

A penchant for super-abundance in this follow-up to The Nix helps to capture the contours of modern American lifeNathan Hill’s second novel monitors the health of a 21st-century marriage. A recent Oprah book club pick, it bears many of the hallmarks of...

Five of the best books about gossip

Cruelty, nosiness, truth-telling: whatever you call it, it appears in every community – and in plenty of works of literature too ‘That is the ugliest effing skirt I’ve ever seen” is among the most memorable lines from the 2004 version of Mean Girls, ut...

How We Break by Vincent Deary review – look after yourself

A psychologist offers practical advice for dealing with life’s ups and downs It is refreshing to read a psychology book intended for mainstream audiences that isn’t trying to push you towards a particular goal; to achieve more, to work harder. Thanks t...

What we’re reading: writers and readers on the books they enjoyed in January

Authors, critics and Guardian readers discuss the titles they have read over the last month. Join the conversation in the commentsI’ve been reading Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez, which concerns Argentina in the 80s and 90s. It deals with the d...